Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sharing My Artist Self

The idea of an art blog developed out of my desire to keep my friends up to date about my art practice as they are always asking about it. In a way this blog is created with them in mind. All that said ... the blog is open to cyber world and many of you reading it may have never met me. I do hope that what you all read here sparks your creativity in some way.

So ... now a little bit about my artist self...

A native from Buenos Aires, Argentina, my work is intuitive & spiritual, it forces the viewer to engage in a dialogue beyond conceptual constraints. My work is influenced by my spiritual practices, mystical beliefs, by surrealist & symbolist artists, and by the seminal ideas of psychoanalysis.  

My career as a painter began in the early 70s when I took refugee at the Buenos Aires Institute of Bellas Artes from the social political chaos my country was immersed. I then focused in drawing, painting, and sculpture. Two talented mentors: Luis Lopez (painter) and Osvaldo Rainoldi (sculpture)provided unconditional nurturing & support to my artist self. I will be grateful to them as long as I live.  

I arrived to USA in 1981; I settled in Chicago in 1992 and made it my home. Here in Chicago I completed courses in painting & ceramics at the University of Illinois at Chicago (while re-validating my degree in elementary education); at the Evanston Art Center I worked in printmaking under the guidance of Audrey Niffenegger; and in 1986 I enrolled at The School of the Art Institute where I obtained a masters degree in fine arts & art therapy. In 2009 I obtained a doctoral degree focusing on the use of art-making in psychotherapy treatment of adults.  

I am a prolific professional artist holding my studio practice at the Chicago Fine Arts Building.


  1. Ciao Beatriz! How wonderful to see/read your blog. I look forward to reading about your upcoming shows and such. Btw, I really like the painting above. Brava! :-)

  2. Hey Beatriz . . . love the use of the word "prolific." The blog looks great and I think it's a wonderful platform for you to share your insights about your art . . . and visual art in general. I will stay tuned . . .

  3. Here's a poem for you Beatriz:

    On paying a visit to Beatriz E Ledesma
    In her Studio in the Fine Arts Building
    On Michigan Avenue.

    For me it was a distinct privilege
    To be allowed there quietly to sit,
    Above the battle, for a little bit
    With such a bright angelic personage
    & watch you as you thoughtfully engaged
    With forms & colors getting them to knit
    Neatly together, more precisely fit----.
    Not too unlike what I do on the page.

    A seagull hovered in the air outside
    Skirting the smooth, the broad sweep of the Lake:
    While you proceeded to construct your Art
    It was as if we had become allied
    In your endeavor, I felt myself awake
    As if I’d found my natural counterpart.

    Daniel Cleary

  4. Thank you Dan for sharing your experience of the visit to my studio in your art form.

  5. Ms Ledesma -- this is so cool; good for you. I love the work you have to launch this page. You are moving right along; all wonderful to see and read. Keep it in gear, my dear; the world needs more of this.

    ”Art is the communication of ecstasy.”
    Pyotr Demianovich Ouspenskii (1878–1947)
