Monday, December 2, 2013

Pulaski International School of Chicago- MURAL PROJECT

Matthew Tolzman, photographer of Ben & Fushi Violins Co., has two wonderful kids enrolled at Pulaski International School of Chicago ( and he is also a musician
and an activist.
I know Matthew for many years as he is the photographer of my work. I always admire the passion he has for learning and education. He is one of those parents that you want to have in the classroom
if you happen to be a teacher- always ready to help, be involved, providing creative ideas, open minded, and a very kind man.
Few months ago, he and his brother Nathan, who is also a musician, embarked in a creative project: painting a mural, an idea he has shared with me since last year. The project basically was to create a mural based on the 10IB learner profile attributes:

IB learners strive to be:

  • inquirers
  • knowledgeable
  • thinkers
  • communicators
  • principled
  • open-minded
  • caring
  • risk-takers
  • balanced
  • reflective
I asked him to send me some info on the mural which final image I found on FB. And that is what he wrote:
 "I approached the art teacher and asked if she could have students draw the attributes for inspiration for the mural. My brother and I sketched out a rough design and took it to the students. The students that helped us were 3rd graders at the time. Now they are 5th graders. They were really great. They gave us some more suggestions and saw things in the sketch that we didn't even see! It was a tremendous experience hearing the kids talk about art that they inspired..."
The mural has no name yet but he wanted to hang it and let the kids have a chance to look at it first. "My plan is for the 5th graders to come up with a name for it."


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