Wednesday, December 26, 2012

James Mitchel Clark- Artist

On our way to Oklahoma we stopped in Carlinville (Illinois) at the home and studio of artist James Mitchell Clark- or "Mitch" for friends- and his lovely wife Rosemary


 They live with three cats of which I was able to spot one as the other two look at people from hiding places
 and with Boxter,a very peculiar dog who relates to people according to their body sizes- small ones (around 5' 2") are like children to whom he does not seem to be particularly fond of. Memories from long ago when abused by children seems to be activated when in the presence of children or people with small body frame. It is then better to leave him alone ...
Mitch has been in the art world for long long time -artist and art educator- and yet, he is humble with an unassuming warm attitude that wins you over as soon as you enter in contact with him

He taught ar Blackburn College for years ( and maintains his art practice and studio at his home. He has exhibited extensively within the USA, holding gallery representation for years in the South; although I got the feeling that there were more to his extensive life as an artist than what he was sharing. Mitch did not talk more about his past and present achievements.

His studio is full of plants; it brings forward a welcoming feeling to the visiting eye,  encircling you into a well of creative energy

His work has movement and playful energy; colorful as the plants in his studio or the nature surrounding his home

Standing in front of his work, I feel like slowly seeping nature from plants, to animals, to creatures of his imagination. It brings forward a nice combination of simplicity and depth that charm the viewer.
Mitch is full of color and heartfelt warmth as his work ...
Thank you Mitch!

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