Saturday, June 25, 2011

In Memoriam

Tonight I went to see the movie In Memoriam by director Stephen Cone.
It plays at The Gene Siskel Film Center during this entire coming week (

The movie is made in Chicago and the Film Center describes it as a film
"filled with themes of strange obsession and cosmic connection..."
The main character is Jonathan who finds new purpose in life after
receiving an email mocking the tragedy of a pair of college students,
who he does not know, who fell to their deaths while having sex on a
dorm roof. The couple is found dead and naked on the ground- no
shown but by the discussion on the death we learn details.

As he goes around seeking to understand this tragedy, he finds annoyance
at people's responses who mostly laugh at the idea of dying in such
an unusual manner, they can't understand his irrational motivation that
fuels his desire of knowing the truth about the dead of this couple.
In his quest for finding the truth, he is ended up making a movie
to honor the deceased couple.

The first part of the movie is almost comical and light but in a surprising, unexpected way, takes us into the depth of human connection. The message at the end actually is that what really matters is the human connection.

I further reflected on Jonathan, a male who follows the beat of his own intuition and in doing so, he flow into creative energy, and I found the take refreshing as it portraits a more softer & spiritual side of the male energy.

Wonderfully done. A poem to human connectivity and a lesson in trusting one's own vibes. Good food for the mind and for the heart.

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